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Smart Street Light
A smart street light that comes equipped with LoRaWAN module inside, enabling users to perform control, scheduling, and On/Off for each lamp head. This feature aids users in cost-saving compared to traditional SON/LED lamp types. Smart streetlights aim to enhance safety, reduce energy consumption, and contribute to the development of smarter and more sustainable cities.
This innovative smart lamp represents a significant advancement in smart city infrastructure featuring LoRaWAN communication capabilities. LED Lamp integrates with LoRaWAN light controller and built-in energy metering functionality, providing precise tracking of power consumption for each street light.
LoRaWAN Parameters
Rukan Crown, Blok A No.25 Jl. Green Lake City Boulevard No.10, RT.001/RW.010, Petir, Kec. Cipondoh, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15147 Indonesia
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